Suchan Badyakar

              Young and enthusiastic guy passionate in programming, and hobbyist artist particularly in something innovative products and in game development. Hold Bachelor’s degree in electronics and communication. Been working in the field of computer graphics and programming for more than 5 years now. Love to work in interesting and challenging works. These are some of my professional,personal & time pass works.. Hope you would like it :)

Pirate Island Unity

Recreated the Pirate island in Unity this time.

Unity3D Game Starter Kit

Many times there are situations where a game developer thinks of converting their awesome idea into a running game, moves around and then get stuck and thinks where do I start from. This is especially true for novice developers or students.

Presenting the Unity game development starter kit.

The main objective of this kit is setup a base from where a user can build up and simply not to get caught up in a task that less important, and helps you focus on the main task. Following the concept of stop coding, start creating.

The project has a startup splash screen and the main menu from where a user can navigate to their main scene with a predefined template which they can modify later when later in time.

Angry Clan [Coming Soon]

Have been working on a new multi-player angry bird like game 'Angry Clan', Where you can challenge your friend and destroy their buildings  ( just in game ;) )

Wall Painting

Wall Paintings(Passion ? Timepass)

Krishna Mandir